Troy Brosnan wanted a “unitron” of tire with a central tread design that could easily support high speeds and with plugs on the hips able to support in the world-class speed curve. Using as a starting point our tread designs Rekon, Minon DHF and High Roller II, Troy and our team of engineers started the development on the Dissector during the 2018 World Cup season. All central plugs have a strong ramp to minimize resistance, but keep flat edges and sharp across the height to provide a strong braking traction. Small engravings give the caps a further bending, increasing their surface during braking and helping the transition to the hip plugs. The caps on the C-shaped hips are alternately positioned towards the central line and outwards. This tread design reduces uncertainty in the curve transition from the centre to the shoulders. A distinct channel along both sides of the central plugs together with a wide spacing between all caps helps to remove debris. ▲ Rear use; ▲ Ideal in dry conditions, fast paths and bike parks; ▲ Wide Trail (WT) carcase optimized for rims with internal width 30-35mm;