

Fango or gravel? Landed, hard rocks and spigolose or pantano? Technical paths, relaxing excursions or down beaten? We at Cyclista have the right bike for the emotion you choose, for the passion that lights you up, to embellish every moment in the saddle. All Mountain, Ciclocross, X-C, Downhill, everything is possible with us. There are no environmental, meteorological, or other obstacles that can stop us. We will be together with you in all your heartbeat and we will face together the pebble like rock, mud like sand, the more acrobatic jumps, the steeper dislivellis and the more technical hairpins.

Choose from our brands the mountain bike that most reflects your personality, which nourishes your passion, which conquers you with its engineering, technical and design solutions.

Get on a Mountain Bike Cyclist, get with us at the top!

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