Slight Brake


The dream of every rider: to receive from his bike that special feedback that makes him feel his bike as a real appendix of his own body, sensitive to all his modulations, his changes of intensity, able to indulge the rider in every circumstance like his own body.

Even when it comes to braking, each rider has at the same time the dream and the need for this feeling: the right relationship between its strength, its sensitivity, its “touch” and the ability of the brake levers to understand it without delay, empty racing, hyperreactivity, as if between your fingertips and the levers there was continuity of nerve bundles, blood vessels, muscle tissues.

Cyclist will make your bike an appendix, a part of you, offering you brake levers that will perfectly sit on your feeling, responding to your will, and that will make your brakes an automatism. Because the difference between a good bike and the TUA bike is in small-large details like this.

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